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Anti-aging is not a question of age, but an attitude to aging ...

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... but what you can really do for a healthy, long life? I want to try here as a general practitioner from Germany and former high performance athlete to give some answers. More »

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After the diet before the diet A small Diätench(r)eck part 3

So far we have Gudrun can not provide proper, get rid of her love handles. Buttons we therefore next method before. We reduce our fat in our food. Super , 1 Has grams of this stuff 9 kcal was etwa 2 Miss Molly million corresponds. So we save a lot of calories and dry Molly gradually from. Is that really so. Consider the so-called.

Low Fat Diät

” Low fat” usually means , that our food less than 30% Contains fat. Typische Vertreter sind Brigitte-Diät, Ideal-Diät, Potato diet, Mediterranean diet,Low- Fat 30 and most “Shake Diäten”. The idea is the calorie savings, so that a negative energy balance occurs. Kluge Idea , says the German Society for Nutrition and the need to know it finally.

Now, Gudrun has really good chance to get rid of their little lifebuoys with time. The dauehafte negative energy balance makes the pounds are falling and actually also Molly separated in time from their precious contents. Unfortunately, the weight loss is not as fast as the low carb diet, and already Gudrun is again a bit sour, Weil and Compulsory , only 4 Weeks to birthday.

What now , Low Carb oder Low Fat? Less carbs or less fat. Gudrun is just as confused as we. At the moment, only a certain , Miss M. , which makes it more comfortable in Gudrun's waist. Gudrun could see in the future, so they would not notice any difference in itself , both diets lead to similar successes, provided , they are kept by. Slowly Gudrun has the feeling, that its something crucial is missing in all their considerations. Nur was

Nun lassen wir sie noch etwas überlegen, she thinks that is just about a diet after, the far leads us to our past. In a time when our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, and certainly could not imagine, that their arduous search for the daily food intake should again make a career.

But of this more in the next post. Forward Gudrun, back to the Stone Age.

Until then. Your Dr. Anti – Age

After the diet before the diet A small Diätench(r)eck Last part

Gudrun is excited, because her friend now maybe can finally solve their problem with Miss Molly. Your Girlfriend, we call it Christine, tells euphoric from a method, with the celebrities in Hollywood and Paris would decrease. Just one has even taken her blood and in 2 Weeks she gets a diet plan, is tailored exclusively to their persönilchen metabolism.

That the so-called individual diet plan not from their medical practitioner is, but which directly sells this sensational method from the company's computer, Christine has no idea. Finally, it has for the advice and the blood ca. 350.-Paid €, and for that you can finally expect some. On the question , which blood values ​​were determined for, answered her medical practitioner only, that there would be a trade secret,but it would be more than 35 Values. Clear thought Christine,that such a revolutionary process” top secret” must remain.

Now, Gudrun knew slowly,what her friend said,, nämich of

Metabolic Balance

This method advertises, based on certain blood values, establish a personal nutrition plan. A so-called “holistic metabolic program” soll uns dauerhaft von unseren Wohlstandsröllchen befreien. In principle it is a low carb diet, which proceeds in several phases. Be a preparatory phase followed by a transition phase in which only certain foods eaten dürfen.Anschliessend comes a time of loose change,also limited in carbohydrates should be eaten again.

And the soup,thinks Gudrun, so it could go. Molly go in cover! But beware love Gudrun, just let us look more closely. What initially strikes us, that such a Geheimis is made to the blood values. Ultimately, Gudrun could these values ​​with Dr. XY can make on the corner. That should give a holistic metabolic profile of such securities Gudrun believes himself not quite. In addition, Gudrun introduces himself just, as they struggle through the various phases. And then these foods. They are sometimes so complicated to prepare, that they are offered alsFertigprodukte. Of whom probably, not difficult to guess. All sounds like a inflated model to a few pounds to lose. She has a little sorry for her friend Christine , good, that it has previously informed.

Once there she makes even the same over the so-called. Blutgruppendiät, HCG Diät ( Caution) , Ducan diet and other smart , and always comes to the same result. Partially complete nonsense is elegantly packaged and again there are people who fall for it, get at in the hope that slowly uncanny Miss Molly.

But Gudrun must now decide, because in less than four weeks is her birthday and so far nothing has happened. Let us see, therefore,, whether we can give our Gudrun something sensible on the way, something to feel what concentrated with whom she gets along well even in a few years without.

Aber jetzt lassen wir sie noch ein wenig nachdenken bevor wir ihr im nächsten Beitrag ein Paar Tips geben , Molly but to outwit yet.

See you soon, your Dr. Anti-Age

After the diet is mainly diet A small Diätench(r)eck part 2

Gudrun and cushion it's us. It is also not easy to find their way in the jungle of diets. Time promises a hairdresser! that he has done it with a magic potion and we can do it also, dann hungert sich ein Vollweib schlank und versucht uns ihre Methode anzudrehen und schließlich verkauft uns ein piepsiges Etwas ihr Geheimnis mit dem sie in 10 Weeks has decreased. Phone. Who is there even hinted.

Let us try to help a little Gudrun. In the following, I go less on the individual diets as much more on their underlying principle, a. Common to all diets is the saving of calories and macronutrients. The macronutrients are carbohydrates, Fats and proteins, and not to forget — Water. A normal diet consists of about us 50 – 60% Carbohydrates , 30-40% Fat and 15 – 20% Protein together. At this composition now screw all sorts of medics , Nutritionists and fitness gurus kicking around, und jedes Mal kommt die ultimative Diät heraus.

Gudrun is now a bit smarter. But what they should start. Now, we try it again with less Kohlenhydraten.Die newspapers are full of ads , all talk of kohlenhydratduzierter diet,the so-called.


To this form of diet include u.a. the Atkinsdiät , Glyx -Diät , South Beach- , Schlank im Schlaf- und LOGI Diät. They have in common,that the carbohydrates are partially reduced drastically and there is a shift towards fat or protein.

The theory behind , that remains consistently low due to reduced carbohydrate intake of sugar in the blood and thus insulin levels.

The Who? Which mirror ? Gudrun has been at the thought of a mirror a sweating. Alles halb so wild , but we have to deal for a moment with this insulin and its effect, is this stuff,sorry Hormon, doch ein ganz grosser Player in unserem Stoffwechselzirkus.

Insulin is produced in our pancreas and always,when we eat carbohydrates,arrived from this abgegeben.Dort into the blood, it grabs the carbohydrates eaten by us ,now they have been degraded to simple sugars, and transports in the Zellen.Also, out of the blood and into the cells. In which cells.?

First, there is the muscle cell, we call them Joe Hard , a strong type. He constantly needs energy to muscles Gudrun's going to keep. Our insulin supplied Joe with long Zuicker, until he does not need more energy ,because Gudrun has lain down for a nap. But what about the rest of the sweet stuff in the blood. Here again, our magic hormone has a solution. It transports our sugar to straight – Miss Molly,the already known fat cell. Which is very grateful for the supplies and our sugar is hardly arrived in Molly turned into fat, pures Fett.

But our insulin is still smarter. It provides u ur fat cells not only with supply of sugar , no he protects our Molly also , so goes missing you no droplets of their precious contents. A high insulin level therefore prevents the release of fat from fat cells.

Phone,a bit much theory and Gudrun is now served only once. Yet ,she has to choose, approaching the birthday and still is not a single Miss Molly disappeared. What are the advantages now have these low carb diets?

Zunächst machen diese Nahrungskonzepte nur Sinn wenn man sie mit einer kalorienreduzierten Ernährung verbindet. The advantage of the low carb diet is the one in the initial rapid weight loss, caused by increased water excretion, what our Gudrun comes in handy. Furthermore, our already known insulin is less distributed,so that Gudrun has less appetite and also better comes to the fats of Molly and Co.. Disadvantage of some low carb diets is, that the saved carbohydrates are replaced by fats.

The main disadvantage of these diets but, that they force us into a relatively rigid diet scheme. Every Morning 3 – 5 Bun , noon pasta for dinner only chicken breast as in the insulin food combining according to Pape ,who does that for a long time. No, that is nothing for Gudrun, slimming so , but not.

So there it is again , looks down at herself and begins Miss Molly downright hate. I get up before she thinks. But how? Now, Let's try to eat less fat and turn to the

Low Fat Diät

to. Bevor wir uns aber damit beschäftigen geben wir Gudrun ein wenig Zeit über das bisher gesagte in Ruhe nachzudenken. In the next post will become really greasy.

Until then, your Dr. Anti-Age

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Little JOJO – not just a child's toy

Gudrun had managed. Pünktlich zu ihrem Geburtstag hatte sie sich von unzähligen Miss Mollies befreit und 12kg abgenommen. She proudly stood before the mirror , dort wo noch vor kurzer Zeit kleine Röllchen über den Gürtel schauten war wieder eine Taille zu sehen. Her friends were thrilled and her husband Horst, looked a little envious of his better half.” To your health” all cried and Prosecco made the rounds. Of course, only a glass, because Gudrun was counting the calories. Of course you can not stand on one leg, and so followed the first glass three more. Then the buffet was opened and small sandwiches alternated with cheese pickers and Mettigeln from. Finally, it was only once 50.

Now, even the most beautiful birthday comes to and end. It was a great party, unfortunately for Miss Molly and girlfriends, which with great joy in their old home, Gudruns Hüfte, returned . A look at the balance let solidify our Gudrun. Only eight of the laborious lost 12kg were left. And next week, had Grandma Gerda birthday , shortly after the cone excursion was at the end of the month and the holiday was planned.

6 Months later Gudrun had increased not only the 12kg again, they had erfuttert also a surplus of another 4kg. And the toll, Little Jojo had struck again. Our Gudrun was more than desperate. With difficulty she had Molly chased from the field, and now this beast was back and had brought a lot of girlfriends. Wie konnte es nur soweit kommen. Gudrun war mehr als ratlos.

Now, what happened Gudrun, already have countless people experiencing, who had difficulty abgehungert with a diet a few pounds. Gudrun was simply a victim of the infamous Jojo – Effect. Just like a yo-yo with swing moves downward and then with as much energy back up zuschnellen, so it vefhält also with body weight. But why is it that way.?

These wier must descend into the depths of the biochemistry and physiology again. Do not be afraid, ist wird nicht so schlimm und wir sehen auch bald wieder das Tageslicht. What happens at a Gewichtsabnhme. ? First we lose excess body water , Therefore, the apparent success in the first few days. Then go to the muscle tissue, properly, we lose muscle mass and only then shrink our fat tissue. Due to the reduced calorie intake also presents our metabolism and goes into hunger mode. This process takes some time to, so our metabolic system used to the reduced basal metabolic. This process is accelerated by the loss of Musklemasse again, because our muscles are the largest consumers of energy in the body. Today, it is able, to measure these processes very closely. The procedure for this is the Bio Impedance Analysis. Here, a weak current is passed through the body. Muscle mass in this case conducts electricity better than fat tissue , and so one can determine the distribution of the different body proportions very accurately. But we go back to the surface and return to our deplorable Gudrun.

Gudrun was so at the end of their diet in Little JoJo's case tapped. Your basal metabolic rate was greatly reduced driven by the loss of body cell mass and reduced calorie intake completely overwhelmed with new offerings at Prosecco and Mettigeln and directed all excess calories to Miss Molly further. The result saw Gudrun on the scale and was looking for someone to blame, of course, immediately. And she quickly found in the many self-proclaimed diet gurus. All told each corresponding salary , wie man in 10 Weeks loswürde sound so much kilos, but no one spoke of the time after. At the end she was always alone because, and Jojo and Little Miss Molly was helpless again.

But what can we advise Gudrun, to give no chance to Little Jojo. Is there a diet, when this guy would have had no opportunity to make Gudrun's waist invisible again.. Or it has nothing to do with a special diet form.

More in the next post.

Until then your Dr. Anti- Age

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After the diet is the diet before – A small Diätench(r)eck part 1

Welcome to the family upholstery, Horst and Gudrun cushion. Both in the prime of life and the prosperity is reflected not only in their bank account but also in the mirror. Our old friend Miss Molly has made it there with their girlfriends comfortable, and although every year a little bit more. But now approaching a milestone birthday of Gudrun and of course there is the vital question : What I wear? Oh the blue dress ,I before 2 Years wore to mums birthday.

The next day was the day of truth. For some reason the dress geschrumpft.Da was where previously was the waist. was suddenly a bulge around the hips. Von Taille keine Spur , and the zipper was broken,He simply left no longer close itself. After a few moments of shock Gudrun came upon the cruel certainty, I have gained and indeed powerful. The view of the scale confirmed it, 15 kg in two years and only 4 Months to birthday.

I must decrease , thought Gudrun . A diet must be found and immediately. But what . She had taken over the years, at least ten of them behind , with the success…, see scale.

At this point we leave Gudrun and their fat pads, for us to deal a little with the diet itself. But the Herkuft of the word diet from the Greek” Diaita” should make us attentive. “Diaita” means life style or. Lifestyle . Today, the term diet is only with weight loss as so-called. Brought diet reduction in connection. Pity , because as life style or. Change of life style is a better fit Gudrun pad problems. And so we are back at our Gudrun and their missing waist.

Gudrun is hell, To put Miss Molly to body . Only as ? Viel Zeit blieb ihr nicht , also Crash Diät ,or something more long-term and possible without this comic” JO-JO Effect”, you know waist away – Waist as -Taille etc away again. So let's look at the market,what's so hanging around to diet proposals and to whom we can trust and who are mainly nonsense of themselves.

Here we go , the diets -Ch(r)eck begins.

Until then , your Dr. Anti-Age

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Zuckerkartell – or why Horst may not be slim part1

I know Horst for now 20 Years . At that time he was 30 and played football in the county class. He had just Gudrun, You know ,the struggles against her small rolls above the waistband, married. Horst weighed in at a size of about 1.85m 90kg and felt fiddle with it. Als er 32 he was already weighed 95 kg and because of his knee he had stopped playing football. Gudrun had sent him, because he always got a red head, when he struggled. Oh Horst, it will end badly if you take nothing.

Some years later I saw him again. At that time he was 40 , professionally made good progress. Made progress he was also in his clothes' size of formerly 52 now on 60. His weight was 118 kg und ein Taschentuch war sein ständiger Begleiter weil er bei jeder Gelegenheit schwitzte. Very jovial promised sometime to come by with me, times really” by check”. Oh,oh, that's not good.

Shortly before his 50. Birthday he has done it then true. Grosszügig stick er mir an, but to check on the right. Had long since replaced the belt and braces of crisp jeans had become tent-shaped sub Breeches. About the covenant arched a gigantic , Ball owners thereof at any exertion powerful snorted. Horst had arrived at 147kg. There followed a string of statements such as vocational , the family, standing invitations, the Stammtisch etc..

8:00 Blood . Then to test a brief prick on the finger to measure blood sugar. Error stand gross im Display. Also nochmal . Again Error. Disbelief but the unit was new. Only Horst was too sweet for my device – Horst had sugar and sprengerae was completely overwhelmed with the measurement. The remaining blood values ​​then rounded off the picture. Unser Süsser litt unter einem” metabolic syndrome”, So the unseeligen combination of high blood sugar, just such fat values, very overweight, etc. . Dass Horst auch noch einen Blutdruck hatte der jenseits von Gut und Böse lag, Needless to say.

From the young man formerly athletic so a construction site had become and there were several artisans required, to carry out the necessary repairs. After Horst had finally realized the seriousness of the situation, he decided to, den Feind Nummer 1 , So to be treated professionally and his sugar went into the hands of a ” Sugar physician” , Thus, a so-called. Diabetologen and sog. ” diabetology practice specializing”.

Let's see, what happened there Horst. More of them in the next post,

until then , Your Dr. Anti-Age.

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The effect JoJo We propose a Little Jojo bargains

Gudrun war Sauer, to be, Miss Molly und den Ernährungsguru aus dem Fernsehen. 10 Weeks she had suffered, themselves to their beloved fruit they had renounced and hoped , Sleep now in the abzunehmen.Und. Added to this was , that morning would come from her friend Susanne Munich. Ironically, Susanne, since the 2 Years all over the world held its dream figure under the nose. She was actually loaded more with Miss Molly and girlfriends as Gudrun. But somehow she had managed, to keep Molly permanently from the neck. But how? Now, we look at the success secret of Susanne in more detail at.

As Susanne more than 2 Had decided years, Zurücken Miss Molly to body, she was pushed by accident on a gym, which dealt only with people, the a few pounds too much on the hips had .Allein the thought, to do only with fellow sufferers on the arduous path to your desired weight, motivated Susanne extraordinarily. So on to test training. But before it really started, she had to some uncomfortable questions from Sina, ask the boss of the studio. Contrary to expectations was the conversation in a relaxed atmosphere and at the end knew Susanne,”here it would help”.

Before Susanne now goes into the hands of Sina, we want to briefly summarize, what has happened to Susanne. First, she has made the decision, to make their various roles over the waistband finished off. In addition, it has recognized, that it is better, to walk this path together with other. And last and most important she has found a man in Sina, would they not only accepted but also accompany friendship on the way to your desired weight. These ideal conditions and Susanne is highly motivated from now on.

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Diabetes mellitus – or why Horst Do not lean part 3

Heavy panting Horst sat on the chair in the cafe 'and immediately began, me to sue his suffering. The Pill ,he received from Dr. Got sugar free,Although the blood sugar had set very well, but he was always fuller. As long as, until the tablets are no longer helped. Then one day he opened the Doctor with worried expression, that must be injected insulin from now. But that was not a problem, also just run back a study at the Horst participate will .Ausserdem is the insulin indeed the natural therapy , because our body produces it finally himself. Only at Horst it was no longer sufficient just, because the fat masses were Horst hertrug before simply too powerful.

Also. Inject insulin, new training and nutrition counseling. DR. Zuckerfrei empfahl ihm zudem einige Diätprodukte zur Gewichtsreduktion, it in the” Practice for nutrition counseling and weight loss” could buy. Stroke of Good Fortune, the practice was in the same house, only one flight up. Equipped with new drugs, Syringes and all that goes with it, Horst went to the next floor.” Nutritional practices Erika Sugar Free” stood on the sign on the door. How practical, the wife of the doctor sold the exact products, the Doctor had so warmly recommended him. Class, thought Horst, here just all work hand in hand.

6 Months and more 8 Kg Horst later got his stroke. He could not speak properly, the arm no longer obeyed him and his right leg led a life of its own. Gudrun was shocked and brought Horst in the nearest clinic. After endless weeks Horst could walk and talk again to some extent, However, he could no longer work. He was now dependent on Gudrun's help and Dr. Sugar Free said during his last visit, that Horst was repealed but from now on better family doctor, Finally, would you now but more care of him.

Da sass Horst nun, and asked me sheepishly, if he could come to me again. Ready dürftig is, only from now on would be taken consistently and regularly driven sports, as he should have done a long time ago.” Is there a program” he asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead. I looked at him puzzled long and regretted it sincerely, not to have become sugar doctor.

So this is the story of Horst , its intransigence and the business with the consequences of the sweet life.

We wish him all the best and especially health.

Until then, Your Dr. Anti-Age

Diabetes mellitus – or why Horst Do not lean part2

In Horst and Gudrun the house blessing go wrong. Gudrun claimed for years persuaded him to have, convert his life. But the Lord everything could indeed better, only in the bedroom he could actually nothing more, except snore and take more and more space. On, maybe everything would indeed be better , Namely Horst had his appointment in a “Sugar practice”. Not later than one year so everything would be as before,or? So we accompany Horst and look what happened to him so.

” Diabetological specialized medical practice Dr. Sugar Free” the sign said. Now, here he was right. Diabetologists are namely medical, which is particularly good in treating Diabetic auskennen.Sie know the latest drugs, are well trained and trained . Hierin unterscheiden sie sich von einem biederen Hausarzt in – nothing. Aber es ist ihnen gelungen mit viel Getöse aus einem einfachen Diabetes ein höchst profitables Geschäft zu machen. Sonderverträge mit den Krankenkassen und einen guten Kontakt zur Pharmaindustrie – Sugar is just a great business and so that everything gets a special scientific veneer, is certified and documented and controlled naturally.

In this organization we Horst has now been added. However, before anyone spoke to him, he had to join various contracts , so-called. Krank Programmes ( WMD = Desease Managment Program) . Without such a program is nothing, because that's what make these contracts Horst to a highly profitable Cuties , which it applies , to keep as long as possible in its talons, we come back to it later. After Horst was sure, to have purchased with their signatures and no washing machine so it could begin. He was finally in the program , he had not yet seen only the diabetologist, who was on a training, but much blood has been bled, he got a lot of colorful brochures and an appointment in 3 Weeks FTER yes, sober please. Horst's already thick neck was still thicker. On, the three weeks we get also still around.

Then finally the appointment with Dr. Sugar Free. He was nearly just as extensive as Horst but that could only be good, Maybe he understands me better then, thought our Sweet. In the next 4 Minuten erfuhr Horst waum er so aus dem Leim gegangen war und was ihm in der Zukunft so alles drohte. But Dr. Sugar Free said, ” that we'll manage again”. Oh prima, that Dr. wanted to participate in the program , or Horst had misunderstood something?Now at the end of the conversation Horst got some tablets and dates for sugar training, best with Gudrun together , because that has yes the wooden spoon in hand.

Next Monday Horst and Gudrun had then their first training session. Together with eight other fellow sufferers were inaugurated by a nice young lady in the secrets of healthy eating. Time they held a cucumber in the height, dann zeigte sie auf eine Schale mit Erdbeeren um schliesslich eine Colaflasche mit angewidertem Gesicht in den Ausguss zu kippen. Understood everything, good, dann bis nächsten Montag. Horst ging mit dem guten Gefühl nach Hause, to be a new man soon, Finally, he was now in the program by Dr. Sugar-free and certainly would not let him go.

A year later I saw Horst again. He beamed over all cheeks and announced proudly to me,that his sugar was almost back to normal. Thanks to the pills and the good advice of Dr. Sugar-free he felt much better. Now, I could not resist the view of the still powerful ball over his waistband and asked if had something else changed. His cholesterol was much better and the blood pressure also, well a little bit. And the weight? This question I should not ask, and after physical activity not, because Horst was instantly a little angry. ” It will come” rief er, he was finally yes in a special program and, more recently, in a study of a pharmaceutical company. Ach so, well then can go wrong nothing more, or.

I lost Horst then out of sight, until I ran into him on the street. The figure was unchanged, However, he moved one leg slightly. I invited him for a coffee and he told me his ordeal in the last few years.

But of this more in the next post.

Until then your Dr. Anti-Age

“Fuck the Diets” – or search for the penny! part 2

So, Gudrun has recovered from the integers and understood and can now lolslegen with her fight against Miss Molly. You must calculate only now, wieviel Kcal. they must save the day, um im Monat , say we ca. 1 1/2 Remove kilo.

As we know Gudrun total revenue of approximately. 2100 Kcal. She decides daily 500 Kcal. save, that are at least 15000 Kcal im Monat. Enough to Molly einzuheizen efficient. How much would it because then decrease in per month?

For this purpose, again a little biochemistry . As we know, have the macronutrients fat, Carbohydrates and protein specific calorific values , expressed in Kcal. pro Gramm. Has fat 9 , Protein 5 and carbohydrates 5 Kcal. / Gram. These values ​​are not very, since fat never 100% consists of fat. The same is true for protein and carbohydrates. However, we submit these values. Now Gudrun only needs the 15000 Kcal. it saves a month by 9 share, and white, Fat-soluble depilatory wievie it decreases. Wow,whole 1600 Gram , d.h. more than one and a half kilos. Is that? Nun nicht ganz , Gudrun because of course does not only fat but unfortunately also from protein, unfortunately disappear not only Molly but also muscle protein. Yet 1600 Grams in the first month are not bad and on balance it is safe 3 – 4 Kg , because initially powerful viwel water is flushed.

So , now we have to Gudrun only say , how best compiles their food. The best way, that they do not upset her husband Horst,because there is only any soups. Do not worry Horst, you will continue to be supplied reasonable and your diabetes will be making sure not deteriorate.

Also los. Do we share the 1600 Kcal pro Tag auf. First, we reduce the carbohydrates. Instead of 60% we reduce it to 30% ( Bye Sunday rolls). The fat we leave at about. 45% and the protein content, we raise on 25% an. Gudrun isst pro Tag also ca. 100 Grams of carbohydrates, 85 Fat Gramm und ca. 80 Grams of protein . She is satisfied with our proposal, denn er bietet ihr viel Gestaltungsmöglichkeit und kann von auch langfristig durchgehalten werden. Even Horst is thrilled they can still continue to go once a week in their hangout.

Welche Überlegung steht nun hinter der Empfehlung. Now, by the reduced carbohydrate intake, we smooth the sugar- and thus the insulin profile. Thus, it has Gudrun easier, to part with Miss Molly, since the actual fat loss is not impeded. Der relativ hohe Fettanteil sorgt für Energie , Gudrun is not so constantly tired and exhausted. In addition, fat is a flavor carrier and allows the vitamins, absorbed from the intestine to werden.Keine concern , from the fat in the meal are no new Mollys but more of that later. And, and the Euiweiss to prevent, Gudrun the biceps is less, So they lose muscle mass.

Sounds, not so complicated or?. In addition, it has a good nutritional background and , particularly important, it costs nothing. No special foods, No subscriptions for online weight loss courses and no membership at any weight guards. Durch die abwechslungsreiche Kost wird diese Methode auch nicht langweilig sodass die Chance gross ist, that Gudrun is also still in a year of fun with the thing.

And , more we can do at this point for Gudrun. We have it all put in our hands, to change their lifestyle. The last step they must now make itself. And one more thing, only with a change in diet, it is difficult Gudrun. Just at that moment Horst comes into the house, with a towel around his neck and completely sweaty. He was in the gym and Gudrun has equal with account. On, that may indeed be what Gudrun, only change the diet and then also exercise.

Sport, exactly what it was Gudrun always had in mind, the missing mosaic pieces to their life style really switch. Soup, into a new life. Happy here, her two.

We will take both still frequently, especially in the gym, if we show them, how they can complement their changing eating habits with exercise best.

But thereof in other contributions. Until then your Dr. Anti-Age

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