“Fuck the Diets” – or search for the penny! part 2

So, Gudrun has recovered from the integers and understood and can now lolslegen with her fight against Miss Molly. You must calculate only now, wieviel Kcal. they must save the day, um im Monat , say we ca. 1 1/2 Remove kilo.

As we know Gudrun total revenue of approximately. 2100 Kcal. She decides daily 500 Kcal. save, that are at least 15000 Kcal im Monat. Enough to Molly einzuheizen efficient. How much would it because then decrease in per month?

For this purpose, again a little biochemistry . As we know, have the macronutrients fat, Carbohydrates and protein specific calorific values , expressed in Kcal. pro Gramm. Has fat 9 , Protein 5 and carbohydrates 5 Kcal. / Gram. These values ​​are not very, since fat never 100% consists of fat. The same is true for protein and carbohydrates. However, we submit these values. Now Gudrun only needs the 15000 Kcal. it saves a month by 9 share, and white, Fat-soluble depilatory wievie it decreases. Wow,whole 1600 Gram , d.h. more than one and a half kilos. Is that? Nun nicht ganz , Gudrun because of course does not only fat but unfortunately also from protein, unfortunately disappear not only Molly but also muscle protein. Yet 1600 Grams in the first month are not bad and on balance it is safe 3 – 4 Kg , because initially powerful viwel water is flushed.

So , now we have to Gudrun only say , how best compiles their food. The best way, that they do not upset her husband Horst,because there is only any soups. Do not worry Horst, you will continue to be supplied reasonable and your diabetes will be making sure not deteriorate.

Also los. Do we share the 1600 Kcal pro Tag auf. First, we reduce the carbohydrates. Instead of 60% we reduce it to 30% ( Bye Sunday rolls). The fat we leave at about. 45% and the protein content, we raise on 25% an. Gudrun isst pro Tag also ca. 100 Grams of carbohydrates, 85 Fat Gramm und ca. 80 Grams of protein . She is satisfied with our proposal, denn er bietet ihr viel Gestaltungsmöglichkeit und kann von auch langfristig durchgehalten werden. Even Horst is thrilled they can still continue to go once a week in their hangout.

Welche Überlegung steht nun hinter der Empfehlung. Now, by the reduced carbohydrate intake, we smooth the sugar- and thus the insulin profile. Thus, it has Gudrun easier, to part with Miss Molly, since the actual fat loss is not impeded. Der relativ hohe Fettanteil sorgt für Energie , Gudrun is not so constantly tired and exhausted. In addition, fat is a flavor carrier and allows the vitamins, absorbed from the intestine to werden.Keine concern , from the fat in the meal are no new Mollys but more of that later. And, and the Euiweiss to prevent, Gudrun the biceps is less, So they lose muscle mass.

Sounds, not so complicated or?. In addition, it has a good nutritional background and , particularly important, it costs nothing. No special foods, No subscriptions for online weight loss courses and no membership at any weight guards. Durch die abwechslungsreiche Kost wird diese Methode auch nicht langweilig sodass die Chance gross ist, that Gudrun is also still in a year of fun with the thing.

And , more we can do at this point for Gudrun. We have it all put in our hands, to change their lifestyle. The last step they must now make itself. And one more thing, only with a change in diet, it is difficult Gudrun. Just at that moment Horst comes into the house, with a towel around his neck and completely sweaty. He was in the gym and Gudrun has equal with account. On, that may indeed be what Gudrun, only change the diet and then also exercise.

Sport, exactly what it was Gudrun always had in mind, the missing mosaic pieces to their life style really switch. Soup, into a new life. Happy here, her two.

We will take both still frequently, especially in the gym, if we show them, how they can complement their changing eating habits with exercise best.

But thereof in other contributions. Until then your Dr. Anti-Age

& Nbsp;

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