After the diet is mainly diet A small Diätench(r)eck part 2

Gudrun and cushion it's us. It is also not easy to find their way in the jungle of diets. Time promises a hairdresser! that he has done it with a magic potion and we can do it also, dann hungert sich ein Vollweib schlank und versucht uns ihre Methode anzudrehen und schließlich verkauft uns ein piepsiges Etwas ihr Geheimnis mit dem sie in 10 Weeks has decreased. Phone. Who is there even hinted.

Let us try to help a little Gudrun. In the following, I go less on the individual diets as much more on their underlying principle, a. Common to all diets is the saving of calories and macronutrients. The macronutrients are carbohydrates, Fats and proteins, and not to forget — Water. A normal diet consists of about us 50 – 60% Carbohydrates , 30-40% Fat and 15 – 20% Protein together. At this composition now screw all sorts of medics , Nutritionists and fitness gurus kicking around, und jedes Mal kommt die ultimative Diät heraus.

Gudrun is now a bit smarter. But what they should start. Now, we try it again with less Kohlenhydraten.Die newspapers are full of ads , all talk of kohlenhydratduzierter diet,the so-called.


To this form of diet include u.a. the Atkinsdiät , Glyx -Diät , South Beach- , Schlank im Schlaf- und LOGI Diät. They have in common,that the carbohydrates are partially reduced drastically and there is a shift towards fat or protein.

The theory behind , that remains consistently low due to reduced carbohydrate intake of sugar in the blood and thus insulin levels.

The Who? Which mirror ? Gudrun has been at the thought of a mirror a sweating. Alles halb so wild , but we have to deal for a moment with this insulin and its effect, is this stuff,sorry Hormon, doch ein ganz grosser Player in unserem Stoffwechselzirkus.

Insulin is produced in our pancreas and always,when we eat carbohydrates,arrived from this abgegeben.Dort into the blood, it grabs the carbohydrates eaten by us ,now they have been degraded to simple sugars, and transports in the Zellen.Also, out of the blood and into the cells. In which cells.?

First, there is the muscle cell, we call them Joe Hard , a strong type. He constantly needs energy to muscles Gudrun's going to keep. Our insulin supplied Joe with long Zuicker, until he does not need more energy ,because Gudrun has lain down for a nap. But what about the rest of the sweet stuff in the blood. Here again, our magic hormone has a solution. It transports our sugar to straight – Miss Molly,the already known fat cell. Which is very grateful for the supplies and our sugar is hardly arrived in Molly turned into fat, pures Fett.

But our insulin is still smarter. It provides u ur fat cells not only with supply of sugar , no he protects our Molly also , so goes missing you no droplets of their precious contents. A high insulin level therefore prevents the release of fat from fat cells.

Phone,a bit much theory and Gudrun is now served only once. Yet ,she has to choose, approaching the birthday and still is not a single Miss Molly disappeared. What are the advantages now have these low carb diets?

Zunächst machen diese Nahrungskonzepte nur Sinn wenn man sie mit einer kalorienreduzierten Ernährung verbindet. The advantage of the low carb diet is the one in the initial rapid weight loss, caused by increased water excretion, what our Gudrun comes in handy. Furthermore, our already known insulin is less distributed,so that Gudrun has less appetite and also better comes to the fats of Molly and Co.. Disadvantage of some low carb diets is, that the saved carbohydrates are replaced by fats.

The main disadvantage of these diets but, that they force us into a relatively rigid diet scheme. Every Morning 3 – 5 Bun , noon pasta for dinner only chicken breast as in the insulin food combining according to Pape ,who does that for a long time. No, that is nothing for Gudrun, slimming so , but not.

So there it is again , looks down at herself and begins Miss Molly downright hate. I get up before she thinks. But how? Now, Let's try to eat less fat and turn to the

Low Fat Diät

to. Bevor wir uns aber damit beschäftigen geben wir Gudrun ein wenig Zeit über das bisher gesagte in Ruhe nachzudenken. In the next post will become really greasy.

Until then, your Dr. Anti-Age

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