Tag Archives: Myth

Fat burner or why the earth is not flat…… Part3

Weiter geht es mit der Jagd auf Miss Molly. She still sits just above the waist and grinning impudently in the area. Has it yet been hunted with inadequate means. What we have not tried everything, Chili eaten until you drop ,Mustard smeared where he belongs, not at all , pineapple and ate it up to the ears came out. Only one took it all very calmly,now you already guess who.

But now it could klappen.Neulich I was in a training camp and heard as trained in Nebemraum. Obviously it was about overweight contemporaries and I heard the coach,that he recommended to drink before breakfast a glass of cold water to remove more,as this powerful fat would geburnt.

Wow!! That was it,we drown Molly.Oder Miss? Now ,Fett schwimmt oben , So they would escape again. But there may be a scientific background ( ein Rational) for the statement to this trainer.

The idea is,that the cold water has to be heated in our stomach to body temperature. The energy required to come from the adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, we must rise again into the abyss of biochemistry to make us smart. So that our body can produce additional heat would have to ” Metabolism” anwerfen um die benötigte Energie zu beziehen. Woher soll die Energie kommen ,course of Molly and her girlfriends. This process is called thermogenesis , So heat generation by burning fats or carbohydrates.

And super. Ach so,how much of the mollies I will going through my glass of water? Now our glass water has approx 300ml. 8 Degree cold water, which Molly and Co. now on 37 To heat level,also um 29 Grade.

Let us remember old school times. A 1 Liters of water to 1 Increasing degree, we need 1 Kilokalorie. To 300 ml of water to 28 Zuerhöhen degree , ( I take you the invoice from) werden etwa 10 Kcal or slightly more than required 1 Grams of fat. Ups , again Molly has the best chance to survive.

The real reason why Molly can but sit back and relax is a completely different. We humans are warm-blooded , d.h. our body temperature varies by about. 37 Grade. Suppose now cold liquid to us, blitzchnell as blood is withdrawn from the environment and has passed the stomach for as long until a temperature compensation occurred. This process is energetically completely neutral,that is to say , Molly does not work. Conversely, it is not, unfortunately,, we carry with hot water, no calories to.

And, again nothing with the fair promises. I think we let the shenanigans with the, coming soon our birthday and we start a new life. We go on a diet, Molly go in cover!!.

In the following posts I will make my personal diet check. Also

until then your Dr. Anti-Age

Last year, the skirt has fitted……

We all know that, sometime the mirror says otherwise as we wish. Here arches which,because it pinches and the staircase is also not as fast highly. What happened? Now,the last winter,the countless celebrations and our convenience show their consequences ,wir werden langsam dicker und – gradually – not just healthier. Also proposes ” Mürbi,the Teigklopfer ” to , and can give our connective tissue slowly. Especially annoying for women , we men are as much less demanding. Also ,good intentions grasp and ran to the bacon. But how? Fitnessstudio ,good idea, if that was not the time . Diet , not bad, but which? Moreover, what was there in the newspaper , great resources from America and even scientifically tested. On television tells us a toned man!! , that we in 10 Weeks a ” sexy Body” have , be provided we buy “Abnehmprogramm”. Phone, difficult decision, aber überlegen wir mal gemeinsam , as we continue our pounds, get rid of.

First, it is, to endure some atrocities, ohne die es aber leider nicht geht ,even not at all down with the pounds.

1. Cruelty : Those who believe , to be able to lose weight without a permanent change his lifestyle, should not at first think about.

2.Cruelty: To permanently get rid of the excess pounds , ist only a negative energy balance crucial.

3. Cruelty: Our weight is like a bank account. Damit der Kontenstand sinkt muss man nicht nur weniger einzahlen (take fewer calories), but also withdraw some ( Sport treiben).

4.Cruelty: Do not trust promises of salvation in the media. Even self-proclaimed ” Decreasing gurus want to make money and the most ” in sleep”. We are very easily prepared, in the hope of a weight reduction , elementary relationships between weight , To throw overboard diet and exercise. This way, regardless of education and training.

So, das soll fürs Erste reichen. In the following posts I will with dieting , Deal products and methods. Please also questioned my posts , reputable sites on the net are a perfect complement and I will point out again and again.

Your Dr. Anti-Age

Hello and a warm welcome!

I'm glad, that you are visiting my page.. In this blog I publish regular articles on the subject of anti-aging, Sports and nutrition. In addition to many useful tips and recommendations you can find here also critical contributions to issues dealing with the above. Deal with topics.

Anti-aging is not a question of age but an attitude to aging. But it is also big business. A business with the hope, to beat the Nature cheat.

Self-proclaimed experts and gurus Fitness're constantly trying any means and methods to sell and we often fall prey to that enough.

The aim of my blog is, to guide you through this jungle of promises, and to separate the wheat from the chaff. And I look forward to a lively discussion and many suggestions.

Your Dr. Anti-Age