It's never too late …. for the next diet A small Diätench(r)eck part 4

The sun is shining mercilessly on the grass steppe , Rhino – and water buffalo herds pass by on the horizon and a group of Stone Age people is on the hunt for something edible. Among them is a Ururur- grandfather of our Gudrun. For days he had except berries , Ate mushrooms and a handful of nuts nothing more. If they do not soon run run into a mammoth , the thing looks critically.

Gudrun Urururur- and so on. Grandfather knew namely still no agriculture , also animal breeding or a sedentary life were alien to him. That's why he had to take what offered himself as. Auch sein Gehirn war noch nicht das allergrösste ,so had to be largely dispensed with communication ( can have its advantages).

Wir befinden uns also tief in der Steinzeit. This extends over a period of about 2,5 Million years and so is the period in which humans are from quadrupeds were the upright-walking human . Only in the last 20000 Years we have been sedentary , and new food components such as cereals and milk were on the menu.

But where is the connection between this diet and Gudrun's fight against Molly and family and it pays for Gudrun to consider more closely with their ancestor and its diet? So let's look , what is it about the

Paläo Dages

Theoretical background is supposed to be the fact, that our genetic past in the 2,5 Has not changed millions of years, and we therefore inadvisable to us, d.h. Nurture our genes. Today's diet is such. B. be responsible for Gudrun rolls over jeans and also for their bad blood lipids. The Paläo ( Watchmaking) Diet provides here the solution to all problems. Get rid of the bread, the delicious Sunday rolls, and the delicious old Gouda from Holland. Instead, a lot of meat, Fish, Nuts, Berries and also quite greasy.

And Compulsory, thinks Gudrun, what was good for my ancestors, is surely too good for me. Yet you doubt come . Did our ancestors really ate so, und hat sich unser Erbmaterial tatsächlich nicht verändert? Now, First it must be said Gudrun, daß all diese Aussagen nicht bewiesene und teilweise falsche Hypothesen sind. We know about the actual diet of Gudrun Uuur Grandpa anything specific. In addition, there was no ” Stone Age man”. In these 2 Million years ago, people already lived in Greenland and fed mainly on fish and meat , but also the African continent was already full of our species. Mostly the food was there probably from meat , Eggs and milk of the animals. And our genes? Natürlich haben die sich verändert, we know about 800 genetische Änderungen seit dieser Zeit und tausende von sog. Mutations ( ich will Gudrun aber den Ausflug in die Genetik ersparen). The best known example is, that we have become accustomed to milk and milk products, because in our gut a specific enzyme , Lactase die, has formed.

Na toll, thinks Gudrun, mal wieder eine Mischung aus Halbwahrheiten gemischt mit ein wenig wissenschaftlicher Begleitung und von geschäftstüchtigen Autoren und einer ebensolchen Lebensmittelindustrie vermarkteter Humbug. Not quite love Gudrun. The basic idea of ​​this type of diet is not so bad, it is high in protein and low in carbohydrates and if you hold back with the fats endure for some time. In the long run nothing is for Gudrun, very idea , to give up their Sunday rolls they can painful grimace.

Slowly it reaches our Gudrun undplötzlich she has the feeling, that something else is to get Molly in the handle. But what only? In these thoughts into her friend bursts , that has come straight from their medical practitioner. It radiates Gudrun and proclaim the now final strategy to Miss Molly distribute.

But it, and how to spend on much ado about nothing much money in the next post.

Until then, your Dr. Anti-Age

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