Fat burner or why the earth is not flat part 2

Now, the often-touted carnitine was not necessarily the Burner. But let us not be discouraged and decide our fat cell , we call her Miss Molly, einzuheizen strong. Let burnen it so.

There is what,that leaves Molly melt like butter in the sun ,the fitness guru and already lit says our eyes. Mal ist es Chili,then again mustard, the next speaks of ginger and pineapple before another final solution of the problem has been found : Cold water before breakfast.

What theory might lurk behind these recommendations,If there are indeed the. So we dive back into our microcosm and we look ,whether it is possible to impress Miss Molly of all this. Our first candidate is called

Chili ( Pepper)

The pepper is one of the nightshade family , like our potato and tomato. Actually, it would be an inconspicuous fruits ,but it spices up by means of their ingredient capsaicin to a hellishly sharp contemporaries. We all know the, once arrived at the mouth of this stuff into a hellish sharp Erlebnis.Der head we developed red ,watering eyes and the sweat breaks out us. And what has Miss Molly going to do. Nun sie soll Energie liefern um unsere Körpertemteratur zu erhöhen sodass wir schwitzen.Dazu muss sie ihre Fettspeicher entleeren und in die Blutbahn entlassen.

Klingt super,great method. Or? It is true,that we trickles of sweat in the eyes ,but if we measure our body temperature,so this unverändert.Und shows why we sweat then,but where sweating increased body temperature to cool down.

We remember, us break the weld already made,if we chilli haben.Würden still in the mouth we wrapped in bread dough swallow it all at once,it reallocated -nothing. The explanation is,that capsaicin pain- and temperature cells to the pharyngeal wall prompts,the cerebral cortex increased body temperature to melden.Darauf calls the cerebral cortex, the sweat glands to,to open their gates and we begin to schwitzen.Also,all just faked. Like a menthol candy ,which gives us a sensation of cold in the mouth,without that there the ice age has broken.

Und Miss Molly? The shows unbeindruckt of everything with a smile on Fatburnpropheten and their recommendations.

That which is true for Chili , is also true for our mustard and ginger to. All very spicy and sometimes digestive,but unfortunately no fat Burner. Not so bad,we still have the cold water before breakfast. But it more in the next article.

Until then, your Dr. Anti-Age

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